Panago Pizza Coupon

Price: $14.00
  • Panago Pizza Coupons

Panago Pizza is supporting the Sharks for another season with the popular Panago Pizza fundraiser. Did you know that Panago doesn't add any MSG, artificial flavours or colour? Also, their hand tossed crust is made fresh daily.

This year we are selling Panago Pizza coupons for $14 which buys ANY medium Panago pizza. The good news is, that for every $14 pizza coupon you buy,  $4 will go towards your fundraising commitment,  For instance, if you purchase 5 Pizza coupons, you will earn $20.00 towards your annual fundraising commitment. 

These coupons make great, Halloween Treats,  Christmas Gifts or Birthday Presents, and are easy to sell to friends and family. 

How much do you save?       Here are a couple of examples 

NEW YORK DELI  $20.25 (Normal Cost) ———$  6.25  (Savings) + $4 FRC

Hawaiian $18.50 (Normal Cost) ———$ 4.50 (Savings)+  $4 FRC

Veggie Mediterranean $20.25(Normal Cost) ———— $6.25  (Savings)+ $4 FRC

Steak Mushroom Melt $21.50 (Normal Cost) ——— $7.50 (Savings)+ $4 FRC

You will be invoiced for the cost of the pizza coupons and the fundraising credit applied to your fundraising commitment. 

These coupons will sell very quickly so get your coupons ASAP!!!


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